Design Capstone Introduction

17 Jul

I had my first classes for both DES301 and DES302 today. There was a decent amount of information passed on by lecturers and a lot to process for the semester ahead.

The first class was DES301. We had a round of introductions from the staff and students and an overview of the semester. We then split into individual streams. We had more introductions, but on a deeper level, I found this to be a good start in creating a positive studio culture. I found it pretty comforting that when people introduced themselves, they talked about the animals they look after.

The second class was DES302 was a quick and informal lecture. We briefly covered the expectations for the course and the assignments. This course mainly focused on reflecting on DES301 and answering the question ‘why?’. It was only an hour long, and we wrapped up after that. 


18 Jul

I started setting up my Miro board today with my weekly to-do list and methodology timeline. I found this task quite daunting as this will be the foundation that my whole project is working on. After some quick reflection and working, I realised that I require quite a structured and strict to-do list and timelines; otherwise, I won’t get much work done. For my methodology, I decided to continue with the ‘Designing for Growth Field Book’ as outlined in my design research proposal. I found that this best fits my research question and provided the necessary structure and tools to address the issues and problems.

19-21 Jul

I spent these days reflecting on the feedback from my DES300 design research proposal and identifying any gaps and areas for improvement in my research proposal.

I also completed the ethics modules and their attached quizzes.